Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The New Abu Ghraib Videos

I'm writing this post while trying to keep my breakfast down. I just watched a British video describing and showing unreleased photos from Abu Ghraib. It is really horrendous. I am not a person with an easily overturned stomach and I was almost gagging at the site of these pictures. They are disgusting views of humanity and I hope they are released in the American media so that these people can see what they sent to happen to innocent people.

I really can't describe how horrified I am at these pictures. And you know what's pissing me off the most? The damn smiles on the faces of those "soldiers". I wanna break those thumbs they held up for the pictures. My question is: Whatthe HELL?! And you know what's even worse? After all this, and after the atrocities they performed, they ring leader was only given 10 years in prison and his whore (better known as the chick with the leash around a grown man's neck AND the chick pointing to men's genitals and laughing in numerous pictures) got 3 years. HOW IS IT NOT LIFE IN PRISON?! They killed so many people and tortured so many others. Does that not matter anymore? These people freak out with some guy kills another guy in a gang shooting, but they give 3 years to someone who tortured and killed innocent people and laughed about it? They should be locked up in an asylum within the prison. I'd rather have Hannibal Lector roaming around than those crazy bastards.

Another thing that pissed me off was that they were wearing their army uniforms when they were being tried. Even though I don't agree with where the army is and why, there are many, many valiant people serving in it, including some of my friends. Those psychotic killers should not be allowed to be wearing the army uniform. They don't deserve it.

The last thing that pissed me off was that the ring leader was asked by the lady who made this video is he had any regrets or apologies and he said no. NO!?!?! I'll show him no. Is he serious? Ten years my ass, for real. I feel like this is Bizaar-o World and everything is backwards. They have police report after police report in the country of people they're tracking down because they're killing people (which I think is gerat, I don't want a psycho loose in my neighborhood), and one thing that could make or break their death sentence is remorse on the stand. This guy has not one tear, one hesitation. NOTHING! NOTHING ON HIS FACE! How is he even human?

If you haven't figured it out, I'm at a loss for words. I know this video has been out for a while, but this is the first time I've seen any of the unreleased pictures and I'm super fricken traumatized, dude. Holy crap.

Let's just pray for justice. That's all we can pray for.


  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    I'm putting a link in my blog, so people will see this.


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