Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Karma: The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny. Now, I'm not Hindu, but I do believe that the way you act toward others gets reflected back on you in some way. Today, hopefully I reversed my karma for at least until I do something else stupid to messed it up again.... Today I found this guy's wallet and put it in the lost found. Then I saw him later at the Coffman cafeteria "studying" with his friends and went up to him and told him where to find his wallet. He looked all confused and then thanked me and went to retrieve it. Then when he came back, he wanted to give me money as a "finders fee", but I refused, telling him not to worry about it. He had some major money in that wallet, too. There was like 50 bucks. Am I just wanting to make myself seem so great for something commonplace or would people have taken some money? (Muslims, your answer BETTER be no). I also helped this old man at caribou this morning because he was carrying like 8 cups in cup holders out to his car and couldn't reach his keys, so I took one of the trays from him (even though his car was like farther along than mine). Am I just like a bitch in real life so I think that not-that-nice things are extraordinary? I dunno, but I think I'm gonna punch the chick next to me. She just like cracked open a tupperware box full of some foul-smelling brown stuff. It's like, aren't you supposed to throw things like 2 months before they smell or look like that? People, I tell ya. This new karma better kick in soon. Some free stuff wouldn't be too bad.


  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger GopherTL said…

    Karma... chameleon? Hmm?

    Haha thanks for the comment! :)


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