Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Monday, November 21, 2005

What the hell, I have time to spare... "Calling it"

I've decided to add another post today because of the unbelievable boredom of the material I am reading for my class tomorrow. Let's see... what else annoys me?

"Calling it"

I know a number of people who tend to "call it". If you do not know this term, you have been blessed beyond your imagination. "Calling it" is the phenomenon in which people tell everyone that they told everyone about/came up with a certain thing or started a certain phrase or trend.
It's all good if you want credit for something you created, but if it's taking credit for getting "everyone" into a movie, book, or musical group, it's annoying as hell. Especially if every damn time someone brings it up, you say "I so got everyone on that!" I think it takes away some of the coolness of hooking people on things if you call it everytime it comes up.
One time, I met one of my friend Jane*'s friends, and found that he was using a term I always used. I said, "That's so weird. I always say that." And he told me he got it from Jane*, so Jane* piped up that she got it from me. Now, that's a cool situation: knowing you're cool enough for your coined phrases to go more than one degree away from you. But it's not like I went around after that policing every freakin person who said it and crying, "I came up with that!"
Now, calling it is annoying enough, but it actually came to the point where one of my friends, Billy*, was actually calling something I had found out. ME! Billy* was going around taking credit for this thing, and everyone was coming back to me and saying "Billy's* a riot. He was saying..." Really? Really?! I'm not making this up. And then when I told them how it got started, they would say "Oh you came up with it? I thought Billy did." Yeah. He did. That's exactly what happened. It was so blatant, too. Billy* was acting as if it were his idea and as if I didn't know it was mine, in fact. Freakin a.... Was I annoyed or what? If you guess that I was annoyed, you were right. Bravo.
Now, as I said before, I was freakin annoyed. Especially when that thing got annoying and my friend was like "Sorry, it's getting annoying, isn't it?" I was like "Why are you sorry? I made it up."
Another "calling it" favorite: songs. I hate when people call songs. "That's so my song." Did you write it? Are you the singer? Does it play whenever you walk into a room? Didn't think so. If none of the above apply, you can't say that a song is 'yours'. Especially if it's a widely known song that everyone loves like "The Way You Look Tonight" or something. If it holds a special meaning to you, tell someone you love this song when it comes on --just don't tell them "this is my song" because it isn't. Yours my ass. "Yours"...pfff. What a bunch of bollocks. The person to whom you say that is annoyed, even if they don't say it. They're rolling their eyes behind your back or gritting their teeth under their smiles.
Here's another example of sheer blatant dumbass-ity? lol. Anyway, I had this friend, Ross*, who called the term "retarded". RETARDED. Whenever someone said "that's so retarded", he would say "stop stealing my lines." Retarded. I couldn't fathom what his thought process was to coin "Retarded". How can you coin "retarded"? First, it's so damn politically incorrect, it makes me sick that someone would want to be associated with that word (I'm not saying I don't use that phrase, but I'm not gonna say that it's my word)! Second, you can't call a word that's so widely used. That's like me saying "I coined the word 'like' because I say it all the time." Dumbass.
Man, calling it is probably one of the most annoying things ever. I mean, it's annoying enough the way people act when they call something, but it also makes you look like such a follower if you like that thing as well. Even if you've liked/said/done this for longer than the "caller" has.
So here's the real problem with "calling it": does one have to broadcast their feelings about everything they encounter? If I get into a band, do I have to tell EVERYONE about them instantly so I don't become a follower when other people start hearing the band and I tell them I like the band as well? I don't think I should have to shout out my feelings about everything I like just so I won't be viewed as a follower.

NOTE: I realize it's hard to follow the ambiguity of the characters and subjects in my stories. But I don't want to offend anyone and get someone all pissed at me because I'm broadcasting some problem I have with him or her. I've started using a different name and astrik next to fake names a la Glamour. lol.
*Names have been changed.


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