Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Is everyone having more fun than me?

Question: Is everyone having more fun that I am or is it just better documented? Why do I ask, you say? Well, I was procrastinating as usual and looking at people's photos on Facebook; EVERYONE has these pictures of themselves having immense amounts of fun, jumping off flight of stairs, going to parties, haphazardly drinking from a keg, et cetera. It seems that all I do is go to campus and study, hang out with my friends in non-fun places, doing non-fun things. Then on the weekend, I'm studying or hanging out with my friends at dinner, movies, cafes, or homes. I'm convinced that I do have fun. It's not like my life is boring. But perhaps it just pales in comparison to everyone else's fun. Or maybe it's something I'm not doing? Maybe other people say "Okay, I'm gonna jump off this short flight of stairs with Bob and you take a picture of us in the air, ok?", and I don't. Is that it? I don't know. It seems a little weird to me that everyone else is having more fun than me. Or perhaps I'm having as much fun as anyone else but I don't know it because I think everyone else is having more fun than me? Do I put myself in situations in which it's impossible to have fun, or avoid "fun" situations? Why? Maybe I think "fun" situations are only for certain people (thinner, prettier, dumber, drunker, whatever). Hm.... I encourage anyone thinks they have less fun than others to speak now before I jump off the Washington Avenue bridge in search of "fun".


  • At 10:57 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    gah, fun is all relative. i think drinking out of a keg is perhaps the dumbest way to spend my time. but what i do with my fun time someone else might think is bogus. we've spent time together that i've definetely categorized as fun, so you probably have had fun before :) i don't know. it's a good question that you have the answer to somewhere. cya in a week or so!!


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