Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Well, I started a blog about 8 months ago, but I wrote in it once and never told anyone aboutit. So, lo and behold, I've started a blog that I plan on actually writing on. For those of you who know me, you know I can really lay into anything that bugs me... so I've decided to start a blog to document the list of grievances which have come or will come to my attention. Also, suggestions are welcome.
WARNING: This will probably be some of the most random stuff you've ever read, but you can bear with me.
Let's start light:
" Grammar Troubles"
I am thoroughly annoyed by people who try to act smart by saying, for example, "John or myself will help you with this." or "between john and myself". COME ON! "ME" AND "I"! What happened to them? Or people who say "whom" for everything to sound smart. Sometimes it's who.
God, especially when it's a working professional. If you have a certain achieved status, you have to speak or act in a certain way to reflect said status, not sit there and talk like a hick who's trying to fake that he's from town.
I just feel bad for those people who are speaking in public and make these mistakes. It makes them sound so much more stupid than they actually are.
My only plea to you is to keep it simple if you are unsure of something. Even if you don't sound like you just graduated early from Harvard, you won't sound like someone who is striving to sound pompous.


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