Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Slobodan Milosevic and wherever that leads....

So I'm sure you all have heard about the Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic's death. And to tell you the truth, I'm having a hard time feeling bad for him. This guy carried out a massive genocide, practical slavery, humiliation and more against a) upwards of 100,000 of our Bosnian Muslim brothers and sisters b)200,000 Croatians c) upwards of 800,000 Kosovo Albanians. To the Serbians, he is known as the man who saved them from their "enemies". To the Western media, he is the Butcher of the Balkans. And to me, he is a now-helpless man waiting for Allah's judgement.

I think that perhaps because most of the information I attained about his death is from the BBC, but I feel a bit indifferent about him (for those of you who haven't heard or read British news, it is a lot drier than ours. More matter-of-fact, which I like). Normally, I would have felt a more irraional hate for a man like Milosevic.

One thing kind of scares me, though. WHAT THE HELL WAS ANYONE DOING ABOUT THIS?

Answer?? NOTHING!

Sure the UN raised awareness and did whatever, but it was sitll happening. It was happening till the year 2000. TWO THOUSAND! We tend to dismiss the word "genocide" and bequeath it to Hilter and no one else. But genocide is still happening right now in parts of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. Don't think it is restricted to those "far away places." A mild "racial cleansing" is happening right here. But we just call it the justice system. Don't be naive enough to think that the way our society is orchestrated ensures "life, liberty, and happiness" for everyone.

I just wanted him to face what he did instead of get the easy way out and die. But some may think about this scientifically and say his doings are nature's way to resist population expansion. Maybe that's just me applying Bio 1001 to real life where it isn't needed. But every few decades, some crazyass comes into power and starts killing masses of people. Environmental resistance. Right? I need to rephrase that: "Correct?" Because even if it's correct, it doesn't make it right. Just some food for thought.

Most of you won't really care to read this, but this link leads to the UN's account of the case against Milosevic and his cronies in the Hague.


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