Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

UCLA UCPD Abuse of Power

I know you all probably have heard about the UCLA student of Iranian descent who was shocked with a taser gun because he forgot his library card, was asked to leave, and was on his way out when these officers decided to use accessive force with him. This video is an audio with subtitles and info about the event.

And this is a video of it. You can't really see much. The cameraman/woman had an obstructed view of what happened, but you can see some of what's going on.

The officers tased the young man. And then they repeatedly demanded that he get up, threatening that they sould tase again if he does not. He didn't because he couldn't, and they tased him again, bringing the total times tased to a nice round 5. I might be wrong here, but isn't the main use of a taser gun immobilization of whoever is tased? I mean, I'm a normal, run of the mill civilian and I knew that. You'd think the officers would know that... unless there was a reason that they chose to tase him.

I wonder what the right course of action is in a situation like that if you're an on-looker. Is it to call some higher authority, if possible? Or is it to jump in and try to fight the rogue cops --to maybe put yourself in harm's way in the off chance that you can save someone from injustice? What is it exactly? Is the answer to stand back, film it, and hope justice is served? I don't know what I would do, but I know I couldn't just stand by. My actions might end up being stupid or get me into trouble, but I wouldn't care. I couldn't stand and watch an innocent human being being tased like and animal getting branded. I just couldn't.

As my mom said upon watching this clip "What kind of society is this?" She's right. This land of the free, home of the brave, the place where the huddled masses are supposed to come for help, we have this going on. Where's the justice?


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