Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Findings during my research on Israel-Palestine

Hey, everyone, I've been doing research about Israel-Palestine (specifically the Wall) lately because I chose to write a paper about it, which I probably will end up posting on here. I just had to share a couple of things I found while researching.

I was going to do all my research from books. But I thought that the internet may have some clips for me that I could get some solid quotes from. And it did. I found a few of videos on google video that were really great. If you're interested, type israel wall into the google video search bar, but if you wanna save time instead of sifting through the myriad of clips, here are two good ones. They are speeches made earlier this year by a Canadian-Palestinian lawyer and an Israeli Ha'aretz journalist and author.

These two speeches were made at a conference hosted by this foundation in memory of Rachel Corrie. I knew that I had heard that name before, but I couldn't remember where. I checked out the foundation's website and it jarred my memory: she was the American activist who was bulldozed over by an Israeli tank in Spring 2003. I looked through her memorial website and found a lot of stuff, but this is what really stuck with me. This is a collection of her emails to her mother during her stay in Palestine. It's really heart-wrenching and a lot of the stuff she says is ironic when you find out what happened to her. Things about the impossiblity of her getting hurt because of "white privledge" and the US's outcry if anything happened to one of their citizens. I normally am able to see things like this and not let it affect me, but I actually teared up while reading these emails. Her accounts embody this conflict and reflect the goodness and resilience of the Palestinian people in the face of slow strangulation.

RIP Rachel Corrie.


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