Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Western Bias and Hamas

I haven't posted in a million years. I've been pretty busy. So here's my first post in a long while:

So we all know that Hamas has gained control of the Palestinian parlaiment. That is the the point of this post. Neither is whether or not Hamas is good. And neither is the future of the Palestinian infrastructure under Hamas. The focus of this post is the unfairness that the Hamas regime is facing in the international eye. A quote from the BBC article talking about EU withdrawing their aid in Palestine spurred this post.

"The EU says it cannot fund the organisation unless it renounces violence, recognises Israel and commits to past peace agreements."

Excuse me, WHAT?

Are we looking at the same conflict here? No one is saying anything about Israel stopping violence (as in killing of men, women, and children. Par example, the little girl was killed in Gaza earlier this week). Israeli forces have killed an exponential amount more than the Hamas has, more than the whole of Palestine's people has in this long-drawn out conflict. Exact numbers? No one knows, really. But we all understand the behemoth amount of the dead in Palestine.

No one has agreed with the Arabs that Israel needs to recognize the rights of Palestinians or the borders of past treaties. We all understand that the Western media is incredibly heavy handed and unyeilding in its scrutiny of the Arab World and of the Palestinian cause. And we all also know that the West is biased for Israeli causes and the means they use (The ends justify the means). However, this is pushing it too far. "Commit to past peace agreements"?! Their not even trying to mask their biases in "human rights" anymore. It's complete bullshit.

My post is overly inarticulate and, perhaps, a bit childish. But I have to say, whining is the best I can do. Normally, I am a lot more logical and I have more justified arguments, but this isn't even logical anymore. Anyone who is like me is probably shaking his head in annoyance/sadness right now. But it's okay, things will get better inshaa Allah.

Peace Out!


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