Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

One more summer task....

So I said that the list below is all I had SO FAR, and I've been thinking about yet another goal lately: learning a fourth language. I have English, Arabic, and French under my belt (although another summer plan is to take my french proficiency test so it'll go on my transcript), so I've decided I want to learn either Italian or Spanish.

I know Spanish will be an awesome tool for me in this melting pot called America, especially with what they like to call the "Latin Invasion", although I don't really feel that is a politically correct term (but what the hell, I'm not that politically correct, so screw it, Latin Invasion it is!). However, Italian is SUCH a beautiful language, and it's the language of Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, and so many operas I can't even count. Italian is the language of high culture. When's the last time someone was excited about a fashion show in Barcelona of Mexico City? Or a museum opening? It's always "You HAVE to see the Vatican!" or "The Pantheon is so inspiring!"

Now, I apologize to all those reading this blog and wanting to rise up and defend Spanish. I understand that it is a very beautiful language as well (all those rolling R's alone are so awesome to listen to)... AND it's Shakira's language, and I'm sure we all know how much we all worship her (even if we won't admit it).

Anyway, quite the conundrum, n'est-ce pas? If anyone has an argument either way, contact me, I wanna know your thoughts.

Til next time!!


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