Tales of love, friendship, and everything in between.

At first, my blog was basically complaints, but then I realized nobody wants to sit there and read about my whining. Plus, I'm really not THAT negative a person. Enjoy.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Just some morning musings

So I picked up a shift for my buddy Sarah Ezzat starting at 8 am. Unfortunately, I did not wake up til SEVEN TWENTY SEVEN! And seeing that I live off-campus, it's not good that I opened my eyes half an hour before I was supposed to be at work. So I got up, took the shortest shower in human history, grabbed the closest thing (laundry, might I add), and went out into the world. Time SUCKS! I spend so much energy racing it, that I can't even enjoy what I'm doing. As I was running into Coffman, I noticed some lilac bushes; and I thought to myself, I always will have time to stop and smell the lilacs if I wanted to. And I did. I opened the lab 10 minutes late, but I stopped and smelled one of my favorite smells in nature.

So obviously, the first thing I did after opening all the computers (yes, I said opening, and I know it's FOBish, but I'm not changing it!!!) finally sitting down is check my email. And guess who emailed me: my college writing teacher from high school. She's an awesome lady. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know my blog, but who cares, I'm still gonna say: I love you, Webs! I had emailed her yesterday to see how her year's going and if she had heard about the kid in my graduating class who died of a drug overdose. How sad is that? There was a slow accumulation of facts when it came to this kid's death. At first, I heard he just died in his sleep because of an unknown complication; then I asked another friend what happened and she said it was an accident; then another friend came forward with inside info from one of his friends and it turned out to be a drug overdose. How tragic. But like my first informant said, "if he did it to himself, then I don't feel bad for him." But I guess I feel bad for anyone who never had any fulfillment in life.

On a random and brighter note, I was looking at facebook pics of some people I went to high school with, and I DON'T GET how these girls can have eyebrows that look like that and be okay with it. Even untamed brows are better than what they have going on. You know what I'm talking about: the chick with an eyebrow that starts like on the edge of her pupil because she over-plucks the middle, then has a ball of hair and a straight line. Allow the diagram to illustrate the atrocity:

Sorry the drawing is so hideous, but I had to do it on microsoft paint. Anyway, what pisses me off even more is that girls with eyebrows like these are still considered hot. In Egypt, if a girl had eyebrows like that, she would never hear the end of it. They KNOW the importance of eyebrows there. The eyebrows change the way someone looks completely. I don't understand how people don't care. It's so obvious. And it's so unnatural! I mean, even if God gave you weird eyebrows, they're never going to look like that. The whole point of beauty products is to make you look naturally beautiful, not make you look like you changed yourself to be beautiful. Seriously, it's girls like that who give beauty a bad name. Stop girls and stupid guys who don't notice stuff in this country (I don't care if it makes them quite metro, but guys in Egypt, that I know at least, notice every single thing. A friend of mine in Egypt saw a recent picture of me and was like "you're hair is lighter, isn't it?" and it's BARELY lighter. It changed from the sun slightly).

Anyway, that was my random diatribe. I just can't stand people's disregard for details. Details are what make the final product special and phenomenal. (For example, a couple of years ago, I was at a friend's house before a party where there was this guy she was trying to impress, and a friend of hers had done her make up for her. Unfortunately, this friend didn't do such a good job applying the eyeliner, so I told me friend to go get a cotton swab with eye makeup remover so I can smooth out the eyeliner (it stopped in the middle of her eye noticeably --it doesn't look NATURAL!) and she was like "No, ______ did my makeup and I like it. Plus he's not gonna notice my eyeliner." It's like JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE WHO HAS NICE MAKEUP DID IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'LL LOOK GOOD ON YOU! People are so retarded sometimes. And it's not that big of a deal, but little touches are what make the whole more enticing. Man, that was annoying. Fricken undermining my evaluation of makeup. That pisses me off. When it comes to makeup and fashion, if nothing else, I know what I'm talking about. DON'T UNDERMINE ME! argh....

Man, that crap pisses me off. I hate when I'm shopping with someone and they act like I don't know what's in fashion or if I like something, I'm following the trends or their ideas. Once, I was shopping with a friend and I saw a flower hair clip, and I was like "That's cute!" and tried it on. And she was like "those aren't really in anymore" and I was like "No, they're coming back." and she was like "Why, because they're in the store?" and I was like "No... I've seen it on Vogue and on the red carpet".... and my friend scoffed! GOD!!!

Oh well.

By the way, if you read to the end of this post, I know you love me, because this post SUCKS and is incoherent. So thanks for bearing with me. If you've reached this point, write a comment and you'll get a big hug from me when I see you --you are a true friend. :D Sorry if I sound like a chain letter.


  • At 11:47 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    hey ayah, i read it! yeah, the eyebrow thing freaks me out.. or really anyone that does SO MUCH to themselves that it doesn't even look remotely natural. that, to me, is 1) not classy and 2) a sure sign that someone has some significant self-esteem issues. honestly. anyway, it was good to read on this and know that you're alive.. i can't tell sometimes :-p hope you're having a good week.. finals are kicking my butt :( oh well, four more days.


  • At 11:00 PM, Blogger Ayah said…

    Who deleted their comments! I wanna know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Steph and Googs for the prompt readin of my blog. I heart you guys.


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